Sunday, July 11, 2010

where this curse holds these memories of a man, you know he's lost.

Pancake mix

Sunshine streaming through the windows

Frozen canisters of OJ

Stolen kisses on the cheek

Freshly brewed coffee

Broken dippy eggs

Noses nestled in necks

Sausage sizzling

Barefeet pittering on wood floors

Ice cold milk

I'm lonely this Sunday morning.


  1. Is sizzling sausage code for erect penis? Couldn't help myself...

    Sorry you had a rough one. What's got 2 thumbs and thinks you're awesome? THIS GUY.

  2. @The Mad Hatter - LOL. And hug. I don't know you, but I can already tell you're wonderful.

    Heather, have you ever seen the movie Waitress? With Keri Russell? She bakes her pain into different pies. This post made me think of that film, especially when she whips up concoctions like "I Don't Want to Be Earl's Wife" pie and "Bad Baby" pie.

    If you haven't seen it yet, I think you would really love it.

  3. I accept this hug that you speak of, but only if our crotches can brush up against each other a bit. The ass-out hug is not something I'm comfortable with. I am heading to your blog now.
