Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wanna be in love for real

You know when you wake up and just feel like being a masochist and decide that you're going to torture yourself all day by making yourself feel hurty? No? Hmm. It's just me then? This is awkward. Today is one of those days. And by feeling hurty, I mean with music, not with razors. I don't mean to get all "Tickle Me Emo" on your ass but hot damn, sometimes it's just good to wallow.

Rachael Yamagata, you got me and you got me good! I've spent the greater part of the morning completely drowning myself in her PLUS it's cloudy outside and it hurts so good. My chest is literally tight. This coffee tastes salty...

Send me some sunshine peeps.


  1. I LOVE YOU. I would send sunshine, but it is snowing here.. so I'll send you love instead.

  2. Sent. Your sunshine should reach in 4 to 6 weeks

  3. This is positively creepy. I just opened up iTunes & thought I wanted to listen to some of my old fave music while I blogged for the first time in like 75 years... and I chose Rachel Yamagata, who I'm pretty sure no one else listens to.

    Yours was the first blog I read and I saw this post. WEIRD!
