Friday, May 28, 2010

Dear Universe,

Hi. It's just me Heather. I have sort of a favor to ask you, Universe. I don't really ask much from you. I do my part to put out the positive vibes and good karma. Yesterday you gave me cold coffee that was almost intolerable. Did I whine about it? No. I simply added ice to it and enjoyed an iced coffee. Crisis averted. Most people would've let that ruin their whole day but not me. Positive, positive, positive.

Ok, so maybe I refuse to give bums money ever since the last one I did give money to insulted me about my birthmark right after I handed him the money. I should've expected it. I mean I was in L.A. How could I have expected any less? I guess my stubbornness just won't allow me to give out money anymore. I think I make up for it by donations and whatnot though, right?

And maybe I do have a big mouth when I should just sit back quietly and listen while nodding my head smiling. It's just that....I can't lie. If someone is going to complain to me about how this guy treats her like shit and this and that, I'm going to tell her the truth. Ditch him! There are plenty of men out there to truly deserve her. Or if someone is going to cry about how poor they are, I don't hesitate to tell them that maybe they should save up some money instead of blowing it by going out every weekend. We all like to have our fun but sometimes you are stuck at home watching The Notebook by ourselves. Yeah, it's a bit pathetic but you gotta do what you gotta do. Is that so wrong?

What I'm trying to say here is that I do my best at trying to make you a stellar place. Can you please do me a solid and not fuck me on this one? I'm really scared. Please let this just be nothing. I would really appreciate it. And if you follow through, I'll go get $20 worth of one dollar bills and seek out bums and hand it out ok? And I promise I'll try to zip my lip more.




  1. Uh-oh. Don't tell me the move is in question...

  2. #1 reason why you are my best friend: You don't sugar coat ANYTHING and you tell me the truth ALWAYS. If I'm being a douche, you can sense it, call me out on it, and help me through it. You are genuine. So please, don't keep your mouth shut around me. I might turn into a gigantic mess if you do. Thanks. I love you.

  3. Josh- No the move is not in question. It's on like donkey kong. This is a health issue.

    Stef- I love you too. Please remove that picture of my fat face. Thank you and good night.

  4. Hey, Heather, you're right. You're not asking for much, and what you ask is only fair.

    Consider this my petition on your behalf to the Universe. May everything turn out well.

  5. Universe,

    I agree with Heather. Let's not screw her over on this one yeah? She seems cool, and did you read the part about the Notebook watching? The poor girl has been through enough.

