Monday, May 17, 2010

Just how bright is my future you ask?

This album cover was emailed to me today. Here is the conversation that followed.

Me: HAHA! I want to be them SO BAD!

Sue: Haha especially to have the creep with the mustache rubbing on you

Me: Exactly! I could pull off that hair but where do I find the creep? Ha.

Sue: I'll keep an eye out for you, preferably in short cut offs and a mesh shirt

Me: I'll bet we could find one at the concert series this summer.

Sue: Hahahaha, I am pretty sure you are right

Me: My future is so bright.

Sue: Haha, I bet hipstercrite knows plenty of dudes in Austin who look like that.

Me: OMG you know she does! I hear Austin is the land of hipsters and rednecks. Hi, I'm going to live there. That album cover could very well be next years Christmas card. Or better yet, my wedding announcement.


  1. Oh that is just a teency bit disturbing. The mustache is out again. I put an end to it last week. The beard is what's up now.

  2. A beard in the summer? That's just no right Mr. Wilks.

  3. I can only hope to see that Christmas card or wedding invitation. Awesome!
